Siang hari teman sesama nominasi CCIP 2013 yaitu Tari (Astari Rosmalina) sudah memberitahukan bahwa dia sudah mendapatkan email notifikasi dari Aminef yang menyatakan bahwa dia sudah selected dan akan di tempatkan di City College Of San Francisco, yaay I'm so happy for her!
Dimana saat itu aku sedang meeting di luar kantor maka tidak mungkin aku membuka email pribadi untuk mengecek apakah aku dapat email tersebut atau tidak. Beberapa teman-teman di grup juga sudah mulai memberitahukan bahwa mereka sudah dapat email selectednya. Aku mencoba fokus pada pekerjaan dan berusaha tenang sampai nanti waktunya aku tiba di kantor dan diam-diam akan cek email juga :)
Akhirnya jam 4 sore aku tiba di kantor, dengan peraasaan yg tidak karuan aku coba tetap tenang untuk membuka email, nothing to lose apakah terpilih atau tidak. Yang terpikir adalah kegalauan dan ketidakpastian selama 5 bulan ini akan segera berakhir, jika tidak terpilihpun aku akan melanjutkan hidupku, kalau terpilih maka aku harus memberitahukan orang tua serta pacarku dan berdiskusi bagaimana nanti rencana menikah taun depan
Ketika aku buka ternyata ada email Aminef dengan memberitahukan aku Selected candidate CCIP 2013, baru lihat subjeknya aku sudah mengucap syukur, dan ternyata email itu sudah masuk dari sebelum jam 12 siang namun aku tidka sempat membukanya.
Perlahan-lahan aku buka email dan mulai membacanya, alhamdulilah aku dapat di city college San Francisco walaupun sedikit meleset dari perkiraan aku akan ditempatkan di Northern Virginia karena akan belajar Social Media. Anyway, di syukuri saja, sudah bisa sekolah ke US dengan dibiayai saja sudah merupakan anugerah :)
Ini email cinta Aminef yang akhirnya menjawab teka-teki serta kegalauan para Nominee selama 5 bulan ini.
Ms. Nindiya Andarini Maheswari Putri
Komplek Mutiara Duta D-16
Depok, 16418
Komplek Mutiara Duta D-16
Depok, 16418
Dear Ms. Putri,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been officially selected to participate in Community College Initiative Program in the United States commencing with the Fall 2013 academic term. The program is for one year in duration and non‑renewable. The CCI Team in the U.S. has also made final decision on your assignment to one of the three consortia participated in the program.
You will be placed in a community college under the Community College Consortium (CCC), as the consortium which assigns colleges to host this program. Below is the details on your placement including information on host institution where you will participate in the Community College Initiative Program.
College/Host Institution: City College of San Fransisco
Expected Arrival Date: July 12, 2013 *
*Please note that your travel date will also subject to your US visa issuance. The Consortium through AMINEF will provide the exact departure dates/ times, and we will make travel arrangements and send itineraries for your review.
You are also invited to participate in a Fulbright Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) that will be organized between June 10 and 12, 2013 in Jakarta. In conjunction to the PDO, you will be scheduled to have visa interview before or after the orientation. We will share the information on completing the visa application once we have received your DS2019 from the consortia.
In the meantime, please let us know your availability to come to the PDO. Since AMINEF will arrange a roundtrip travel and hotel accommodation for those who will have to travel to the venue, please do not purchase the flight tickets on your own. Therefore, please kindly inform us your current city of domicile and active cell phone number for these arrangements. We expect to have your confirmation by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
Detailed information on the PDO arrangement and the official invitation will be sent to you soon after you confirm your participation in the CCI Program.
Please direct all questions and clarifications regarding the terms to AMINEF. We request that you do not contact the consortium until you attend the program in the US. Please sent the required acceptance document to AMINEF staff.
Indonesian Fulbright Program Team
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
mbak bagi tips biar bisa lolos seleksi berkas dong :) kira-kira apa saja yang perlu disiapkan
ReplyDeleteHello mbak. :)
ReplyDeletesalam kenal. selamat atas terpilihnya Mbak u/ CCIP 2013-2014.
Sy mau tanya ttg tips untuk berkas2 yg diperlukan dan persiapan mengikuti seleksi CCIP.
terima kasih sebelumnya. salam n GBU :)
What an awesome feeling yahh kak :DDD
ReplyDeleteehh Deasy khan udah selected '-'
ka Putri, boleh minta email nya ka ?
ReplyDeleteLia ohh lia ...