Siang itu Kamis 13 Juni 2013 adalah hari yang sudah dijadwalkan untuk interview di US embassy untuk grantee dari Jakarta, Bogor & Depok. Teman-teman dari luar JABODETABEK under consortium CCC dan NWCCI sudah lebih dulu interview ketika PDO berlangsung yaitu pada 10-12 Juni 2013.
Kami dijadwalkan interview jam 2 siang dan harus sudah sampai di embassy jam 1 siang. Aku datang jam 1 kurang dan beberapa teman-teman lain sudah ada disana. Aku datang dengan mata yang masih ditutup perban sebelah, mataku masih bengkak karena insiden ketika PDO waktu kmrn.
Deg-degan juga apakah kondisi mata satu ini akan mempengaruhi penilaian mereka apakah aku pantas di kasih visa atau tidak :D
Kami peserta CCIP begabung menjadi 1 kelompok supaya lebih mudah ketika dipanggil interview. Pertama kita akan menyerahkan paspor dan DS 2019 kita, setelahnya kita akan dipanggil untuk finger print. Setelah itu kita dipanggil kembali untuk interview oleh petugas, aku kedapetan petugas yang ramah sekali, dia afro american yang murah senyum ;)) Alhamdulilaah...tapi penginterview sebelah si Ibu Blonde itu juga baik hati kok, murah sneyum, so ketakutan kalo petugas interview visa jutek-jutek sama sekali tidak terbukti!
Pertanyaan pertama si petugas visa:
1. Hi how are you? What happen with your eyes? ya iyaaalah ditanyain orang mata cuma satu kayak pirates begituu. Langsung aku jawab i;m doing good, but i bumped in to glass window a couple of days ago
2. Where are you going to study? I said California, City College Of San Francisco
3. What are you studying? I said Social media marketing
That's it then he said well, have a great time there!
It took only 1-2 minutes!
Jawab singkat saja, to the point :) Ada sih embak2 yang jawabnya puanjaaang padahal pertanyaannya sama dan singkat, well it's up to you sih mau jawab pendek apa panjang. I prefer simple, to the point, jelas menjawab pertanyaan si petugas.
Lalu kartu putih itu diberikan kepadaku, hey San Francisco I'm coming to you!
Sekarang tinggal menunggu e-ticket dikirimkan untuk tahu tanggal fix keberangkatan ;)
Hasta Pronto!
My exciting life journey, Scholarships abroad, Travelling and Backpacking, CCIP 2013 granteed, Becas MAE AECI 2010 granteed
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
CCIP 2013 Selected Candidate Notification
23 May 2013, I got selected!
Siang hari teman sesama nominasi CCIP 2013 yaitu Tari (Astari Rosmalina) sudah memberitahukan bahwa dia sudah mendapatkan email notifikasi dari Aminef yang menyatakan bahwa dia sudah selected dan akan di tempatkan di City College Of San Francisco, yaay I'm so happy for her!
Dimana saat itu aku sedang meeting di luar kantor maka tidak mungkin aku membuka email pribadi untuk mengecek apakah aku dapat email tersebut atau tidak. Beberapa teman-teman di grup juga sudah mulai memberitahukan bahwa mereka sudah dapat email selectednya. Aku mencoba fokus pada pekerjaan dan berusaha tenang sampai nanti waktunya aku tiba di kantor dan diam-diam akan cek email juga :)
Akhirnya jam 4 sore aku tiba di kantor, dengan peraasaan yg tidak karuan aku coba tetap tenang untuk membuka email, nothing to lose apakah terpilih atau tidak. Yang terpikir adalah kegalauan dan ketidakpastian selama 5 bulan ini akan segera berakhir, jika tidak terpilihpun aku akan melanjutkan hidupku, kalau terpilih maka aku harus memberitahukan orang tua serta pacarku dan berdiskusi bagaimana nanti rencana menikah taun depan
Ketika aku buka ternyata ada email Aminef dengan memberitahukan aku Selected candidate CCIP 2013, baru lihat subjeknya aku sudah mengucap syukur, dan ternyata email itu sudah masuk dari sebelum jam 12 siang namun aku tidka sempat membukanya.
Perlahan-lahan aku buka email dan mulai membacanya, alhamdulilah aku dapat di city college San Francisco walaupun sedikit meleset dari perkiraan aku akan ditempatkan di Northern Virginia karena akan belajar Social Media. Anyway, di syukuri saja, sudah bisa sekolah ke US dengan dibiayai saja sudah merupakan anugerah :)
Ini email cinta Aminef yang akhirnya menjawab teka-teki serta kegalauan para Nominee selama 5 bulan ini.
Siang hari teman sesama nominasi CCIP 2013 yaitu Tari (Astari Rosmalina) sudah memberitahukan bahwa dia sudah mendapatkan email notifikasi dari Aminef yang menyatakan bahwa dia sudah selected dan akan di tempatkan di City College Of San Francisco, yaay I'm so happy for her!
Dimana saat itu aku sedang meeting di luar kantor maka tidak mungkin aku membuka email pribadi untuk mengecek apakah aku dapat email tersebut atau tidak. Beberapa teman-teman di grup juga sudah mulai memberitahukan bahwa mereka sudah dapat email selectednya. Aku mencoba fokus pada pekerjaan dan berusaha tenang sampai nanti waktunya aku tiba di kantor dan diam-diam akan cek email juga :)
Akhirnya jam 4 sore aku tiba di kantor, dengan peraasaan yg tidak karuan aku coba tetap tenang untuk membuka email, nothing to lose apakah terpilih atau tidak. Yang terpikir adalah kegalauan dan ketidakpastian selama 5 bulan ini akan segera berakhir, jika tidak terpilihpun aku akan melanjutkan hidupku, kalau terpilih maka aku harus memberitahukan orang tua serta pacarku dan berdiskusi bagaimana nanti rencana menikah taun depan
Ketika aku buka ternyata ada email Aminef dengan memberitahukan aku Selected candidate CCIP 2013, baru lihat subjeknya aku sudah mengucap syukur, dan ternyata email itu sudah masuk dari sebelum jam 12 siang namun aku tidka sempat membukanya.
Perlahan-lahan aku buka email dan mulai membacanya, alhamdulilah aku dapat di city college San Francisco walaupun sedikit meleset dari perkiraan aku akan ditempatkan di Northern Virginia karena akan belajar Social Media. Anyway, di syukuri saja, sudah bisa sekolah ke US dengan dibiayai saja sudah merupakan anugerah :)
Ini email cinta Aminef yang akhirnya menjawab teka-teki serta kegalauan para Nominee selama 5 bulan ini.
Ms. Nindiya Andarini Maheswari Putri
Komplek Mutiara Duta D-16
Depok, 16418
Komplek Mutiara Duta D-16
Depok, 16418
Dear Ms. Putri,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been officially selected to participate in Community College Initiative Program in the United States commencing with the Fall 2013 academic term. The program is for one year in duration and non‑renewable. The CCI Team in the U.S. has also made final decision on your assignment to one of the three consortia participated in the program.
You will be placed in a community college under the Community College Consortium (CCC), as the consortium which assigns colleges to host this program. Below is the details on your placement including information on host institution where you will participate in the Community College Initiative Program.
College/Host Institution: City College of San Fransisco
Expected Arrival Date: July 12, 2013 *
*Please note that your travel date will also subject to your US visa issuance. The Consortium through AMINEF will provide the exact departure dates/ times, and we will make travel arrangements and send itineraries for your review.
You are also invited to participate in a Fulbright Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) that will be organized between June 10 and 12, 2013 in Jakarta. In conjunction to the PDO, you will be scheduled to have visa interview before or after the orientation. We will share the information on completing the visa application once we have received your DS2019 from the consortia.
In the meantime, please let us know your availability to come to the PDO. Since AMINEF will arrange a roundtrip travel and hotel accommodation for those who will have to travel to the venue, please do not purchase the flight tickets on your own. Therefore, please kindly inform us your current city of domicile and active cell phone number for these arrangements. We expect to have your confirmation by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
Detailed information on the PDO arrangement and the official invitation will be sent to you soon after you confirm your participation in the CCI Program.
Please direct all questions and clarifications regarding the terms to AMINEF. We request that you do not contact the consortium until you attend the program in the US. Please sent the required acceptance document to AMINEF staff.
Indonesian Fulbright Program Team
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
CCIP 2013 Selected For Nomination
Sore itu di akhir Desember, aku sedang mengobrol-ngobrol di ruangan anak kreatif di tempat aku bekerja di JWT Jakarta. Datanglah email cinta itu, dari subjeknya saja sebelum buka email aku sudah langsung melonjak kegirangaan, kehebohan pun terjadi...yaaaay so happy jadi nominasi yang katanya sih waktu itu hampir pasti berangkat semuaa, amiin amiin :)
Dengan datangnya email ini akupun harus menyiapkan medical check up yang cukup ribet dan harus membuat passport baru karena tahun depan passport aku sudah habis masa berlakunya.
Anyway, ini email cintanya yang merupakan highlight penutup tahun 2012 yang harus disyukuri :)
December 20, 2012
Ms. Nindia Andarini Maheswari Putri
Komplek Mutiara Duta D-16
Depok – Jawa Barat
Dear Ms. Putri,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for the Community College Initiative Program by the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) Board to pursue a professional enhancement program in the United States. However, it is important to note that the final selection for this program will be made in Washington, D.C. and is also contingent upon the amount of scholarship funds available for the 2013 program.
To support your application for the nomination process, you will need to get the attached Medical form completed and you may choose your own doctor. You also need to send us a your passport data page and other supporting documents to AMINEF via e-mail. You must send the completed medical form and passport data page on January 7, 2013 at the latest. Please note that your participation will also depend on the results of the medical check up. We will send you another e-mail as a guideline regarding the medical check-up, passport data page and other supporting documents.
In the meantime, you must confirm with me through..........that you plan to participate in the program.
Your preliminary selection to participate in this program is an acknowledgement of your academic and professional accomplishments. I am confident that you will exemplify the same standards of excellence if and when you assume the responsibility as a representative of Indonesia to the United States of America.
Please accept my personal congratulations for your selection as one of the nominees for the Community College Initiative Program. I am hoping that you will finally be selected as one of the representatives from Indonesia in this program. I will write you again as soon as we hear from the selection committee in Washington D.C. regarding the results of their final selections.
On behalf of the Board of the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, you have their best wishes and ours in the Secretariat.
Sincerely yours,
Michael E. McCoy
Executive Director
Interview Notification Indonesian CCIP 2013-2014
Selection process CCIP 2013-1014
Setelah sampai proses visa sudah dilalui, dimana hampir 90% lagi akan menginjakkan kaki ke tanah Amerika, maka aku berpikir sudah saatnya posting sedikit cerita aplikasi beasiswa CCIP ini. Inget pesannya Pak Syehdur, ayo membiasakan menulis juga membaca setiap hari, maka aku pun mulai menuliskan cerita CCIP ini.
Jangan lupa deadline CCIP setiap tahun biasanya tanggal 1 November, kalau bisa jangan mepet-mepet masukkan aplikasinya yah, aku masukin mepet bgt tgl 1 November dan please jangan ditiru yah. Untuk dapetin form aplikasi CCIP dan juga beasiswa fullbright lainnya lihat di web ini
Setelah aplikasi masuk ke Aminef, mari kita menunggu panggilan wawancara jika kita lolos screening dokumen aplikasi kita. Untuk aplikasi kalau bisa diisi se straight forward mungkin, tidak harus panjaaang yg penting to the point, apa yg pengen disampaikan bisa tercangkup disana. Menurut aku sih gak akan dilihat panjang pendeknya, karena dari pengalaman aku, waktu interview salah satu juri bilang tulisan aku kepanjangan siapa yg mau bacaa hahahhaha :)
Dan email cinta Aminef (selanjutnya aku menyebut email cinta) datang pada sore hari 16 November 2012 yang merupakan undangan untuk interview dan toefl test. Wah senangnya aku bisa dapat kesempatan interview dan merasakan kompetisi lg (banci kompetisi mode on).
Buat teman-teman yang diluar Jakarta, transport dan akomodasi untuk interview ke Jakarta pun ditanggung Aminef, sungguh menyenangkan kan, sehingga kalian tidak perlu repot mengurusnya, kalian tinggal fokus untuk persiapan interview dan tes toeflnya :))
Seperti ini email Aminef sore itu, berbahagialah yang mendapatkannya :)
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that the AMINEF selection committee has finished their review on the Community College Initiative Program applications, and will consider you for an interview and also ITP TOEFL Test in Jakarta. The ITP TOEFL test and Interview are tentatively scheduled on Tuesday, Nov. 27 and Monday, Nov. 26, at AMINEF Office, CIMB Niaga Plaza 3rd Floor, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 25, Jakarta.
Please kindly confirm your participation in the interview and ITP TOEFL test as soon as possible by email to .......... It is also important to inform us the city you are currently living in. AMINEF staff will contact the ones who reside outside of Jakarta and beyond regarding the transportation and accomodation arrangement.
In the meantime, please kindly send us the completed and updated CCIP application form as attached in PDF file not later than tomorrow, Friday, November 23, 2012
Official letter of invitation for the interview, including the confirmed schedule, will be sent to you later after we receive your confirmation and updated application form.
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact.............
Indonesian Fulbright Program Team
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
Setelah sampai proses visa sudah dilalui, dimana hampir 90% lagi akan menginjakkan kaki ke tanah Amerika, maka aku berpikir sudah saatnya posting sedikit cerita aplikasi beasiswa CCIP ini. Inget pesannya Pak Syehdur, ayo membiasakan menulis juga membaca setiap hari, maka aku pun mulai menuliskan cerita CCIP ini.
Jangan lupa deadline CCIP setiap tahun biasanya tanggal 1 November, kalau bisa jangan mepet-mepet masukkan aplikasinya yah, aku masukin mepet bgt tgl 1 November dan please jangan ditiru yah. Untuk dapetin form aplikasi CCIP dan juga beasiswa fullbright lainnya lihat di web ini
Setelah aplikasi masuk ke Aminef, mari kita menunggu panggilan wawancara jika kita lolos screening dokumen aplikasi kita. Untuk aplikasi kalau bisa diisi se straight forward mungkin, tidak harus panjaaang yg penting to the point, apa yg pengen disampaikan bisa tercangkup disana. Menurut aku sih gak akan dilihat panjang pendeknya, karena dari pengalaman aku, waktu interview salah satu juri bilang tulisan aku kepanjangan siapa yg mau bacaa hahahhaha :)
Dan email cinta Aminef (selanjutnya aku menyebut email cinta) datang pada sore hari 16 November 2012 yang merupakan undangan untuk interview dan toefl test. Wah senangnya aku bisa dapat kesempatan interview dan merasakan kompetisi lg (banci kompetisi mode on).
Buat teman-teman yang diluar Jakarta, transport dan akomodasi untuk interview ke Jakarta pun ditanggung Aminef, sungguh menyenangkan kan, sehingga kalian tidak perlu repot mengurusnya, kalian tinggal fokus untuk persiapan interview dan tes toeflnya :))
Seperti ini email Aminef sore itu, berbahagialah yang mendapatkannya :)
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that the AMINEF selection committee has finished their review on the Community College Initiative Program applications, and will consider you for an interview and also ITP TOEFL Test in Jakarta. The ITP TOEFL test and Interview are tentatively scheduled on Tuesday, Nov. 27 and Monday, Nov. 26, at AMINEF Office, CIMB Niaga Plaza 3rd Floor, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 25, Jakarta.
Please kindly confirm your participation in the interview and ITP TOEFL test as soon as possible by email to .......... It is also important to inform us the city you are currently living in. AMINEF staff will contact the ones who reside outside of Jakarta and beyond regarding the transportation and accomodation arrangement.
In the meantime, please kindly send us the completed and updated CCIP application form as attached in PDF file not later than tomorrow, Friday, November 23, 2012
Official letter of invitation for the interview, including the confirmed schedule, will be sent to you later after we receive your confirmation and updated application form.
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact.............
Indonesian Fulbright Program Team
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
Summer in Oviedo,Spain
Oviedo, 28 July 2010
First impression when I arrived in Oviedo was wooow this city was very clean and tidy! I found almost no garbage in the street when I was walking from the bus station to my sharing flat.
I was very lucky to choose Oviedo as the city that I would like to study in, because it is a small charming city, I wouldn't need transportation to get around the city, we could walk to go every where in the city, and it is relatively cheaper comparing to the bigger cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia.
I was very lucky too that I managed to find a sharing flat which is only 5 minutes walk to my campus, again it was cheap only 200 euro per month including all bills (electricity, internet etc)..wasn't it great?
You can easily find your own flat or sharing flat through internet and visit website such as easypiso or when you arrive you can look the board at the university, every pat of university will be an advertisement on sharing flat, trust me it is easy. I even helped my german friend Moritz to find sharing flat near the campus, it was a piece of cake :)
The old building in yellow color is my campus where I study Spanish Language and Culture, It is Universidad de Oviedo, Milan Campus. Oviedo is city of sculpture, we can easily find beautiful sculptures in the centre of the city even every corner, the sculpture in the picture is located in Plaza Escandalera, which is the meeting point of us, and it is from the famous colombian artist Fernando Botero.
Anyway, school was very exciting, I met international students from all around the world, I mingled easily. Hahahha even in our first day of school we went to the nearest city Gijon to play in the beach! Oviedo has no beach if we want to go to the beach, the nearest is Gijon, about 40 minutes away by bus and it cost 4 euro for return ticket. There is plenty of buses from Oviedo to Gijon or vise versa, I'm not really sure but I think the buses operate until 10-11 pm in the weekdays and up to late in the weekends. We went to Gijon very often after school or during the weekend.
The amount of scholarships that I received is excellent, with the money it will allow you to have a decent student life heheh (meaning eating out, go to clubs, shopping and travelling). I felt blessed!
This was one of my dream to experience study in europe at the same time exploring other part of europe without paying, in this case I got a scholarships :)
I choose Oviedo because I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona movie, why not Barcelona? Because Oviedo sounds more mysterius and exotic for me, not as famous as Barcelona which I think most people know the city. And I really love Oviedo :))
As student, my classes start at 9am, I got a break (El descanso) around 11.30am then continue my classes until 2pm. During the break we go to the nearest supermarket to buys some pastries and water then we sit down in the park, eating and talking, as you can see in the picture, that what's we normally do.
I feel like spanish people when it reach noon, I want to have a nap (siesta) I went back to my flat, having 1-2 hours of nap. By that time I feel more fresh to go out for a walk, to the park reading a book or just to walk around in the centre of the city.
Spanish people have dinner pretty late, normally 10pm and i'm still Ok with that, I normally ate at home or cook together with friend then have dinner together at one's place.
Dinner normally followed by going out at night to the bar or clubs in Calle Mon, a street for bar hopping! Our favorite bar is Bar Champa, they severd the big bottle of Mahou Beer only for 2 euros! End up going back to my flat at 4 am even in the school days (this really not good :D)
Weekend was crazier, end up going home at 6am with a hangover and shoud be awake at 8 because normally there was an excursion during the weekend, well we continued sleeping in the bus anyway.
Having the experience to study in Europe was really fun, living my youth to the fullest, you study hard to get the best grade as you were with the scholarships, you made a really great friends, you party even harder nearly every day, and you travel a lot!
First impression when I arrived in Oviedo was wooow this city was very clean and tidy! I found almost no garbage in the street when I was walking from the bus station to my sharing flat.
I was very lucky to choose Oviedo as the city that I would like to study in, because it is a small charming city, I wouldn't need transportation to get around the city, we could walk to go every where in the city, and it is relatively cheaper comparing to the bigger cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia.
I was very lucky too that I managed to find a sharing flat which is only 5 minutes walk to my campus, again it was cheap only 200 euro per month including all bills (electricity, internet etc)..wasn't it great?
You can easily find your own flat or sharing flat through internet and visit website such as easypiso or when you arrive you can look the board at the university, every pat of university will be an advertisement on sharing flat, trust me it is easy. I even helped my german friend Moritz to find sharing flat near the campus, it was a piece of cake :)
Universidad Oviedo, Campus Milan |
Plaza De Escandalera, Punto De Encuentro |
La Maternidad, Escultura De Fernando Botero |
Anyway, school was very exciting, I met international students from all around the world, I mingled easily. Hahahha even in our first day of school we went to the nearest city Gijon to play in the beach! Oviedo has no beach if we want to go to the beach, the nearest is Gijon, about 40 minutes away by bus and it cost 4 euro for return ticket. There is plenty of buses from Oviedo to Gijon or vise versa, I'm not really sure but I think the buses operate until 10-11 pm in the weekdays and up to late in the weekends. We went to Gijon very often after school or during the weekend.
Gijon |
La playa |
Asturias drink, Cidra |
The amount of scholarships that I received is excellent, with the money it will allow you to have a decent student life heheh (meaning eating out, go to clubs, shopping and travelling). I felt blessed!
This was one of my dream to experience study in europe at the same time exploring other part of europe without paying, in this case I got a scholarships :)
I choose Oviedo because I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona movie, why not Barcelona? Because Oviedo sounds more mysterius and exotic for me, not as famous as Barcelona which I think most people know the city. And I really love Oviedo :))
La catedral |
La estatua de Woody Allen |
La Estatua de Culo :) |
La iglesia san julian de prado, era en la pelicula Vicky Christina Barcelona |
Vicky y Christina |
La Iglesia San Miguel De Lilo, era en la pelicula Vicky Christina Barcelona |
Nuestra favorita, Bar Champa y Calle Mon |
El descanso :) |
I feel like spanish people when it reach noon, I want to have a nap (siesta) I went back to my flat, having 1-2 hours of nap. By that time I feel more fresh to go out for a walk, to the park reading a book or just to walk around in the centre of the city.
Spanish people have dinner pretty late, normally 10pm and i'm still Ok with that, I normally ate at home or cook together with friend then have dinner together at one's place.
Dinner normally followed by going out at night to the bar or clubs in Calle Mon, a street for bar hopping! Our favorite bar is Bar Champa, they severd the big bottle of Mahou Beer only for 2 euros! End up going back to my flat at 4 am even in the school days (this really not good :D)
Weekend was crazier, end up going home at 6am with a hangover and shoud be awake at 8 because normally there was an excursion during the weekend, well we continued sleeping in the bus anyway.
Having the experience to study in Europe was really fun, living my youth to the fullest, you study hard to get the best grade as you were with the scholarships, you made a really great friends, you party even harder nearly every day, and you travel a lot!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Barcelona - a beautiful, artistic city
Barcelona July 2010
Barri Gothic-El bario gothic |
La pedrera-una de obra de Gaudi |
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